The Psychology of Eating

Some of us think about it all day. Millions of us spend hours talking about it and watching TV programmes about it. What is it about food?

Learning about appetite and preferences and food selection. Understanding anxieties and cravings and how to overcome them. Understanding ideal weight and how to achieve ideal weight. Identifying and avoiding eating problems. Awareness of natural hunger and fullness, overcoming obstacles to healthy eating and healthy weight. Re-establishing the natural messaging systems of the body and the brain

Outcomes: A professionally-structured, enhanced understanding of food, eating and psychology. Overcoming conditioning and habits and establishing successful behaviour change.


The Psychology of Eating explains many preconceived ideas and myths and enables enlightening, inspiring change. We have a very strong and very varying relationship with food. What does it all mean?

To book or for further information

“I would like to explore more about the different effect of diet on stress and behaviour in the future. Really interesting workshop. Thank you!”

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